Thursday, July 24, 2008

Singaporean drivers

Has anyone ever noticed that Singaporeans are very inconsiderate drivers? They road hog, the cut into your lane, they sound the horn if you are a little slow off the mark, they show you the hand or the finger, or they use their headlights inconsiderately?
OK, I have to admit that I passed my driving test in Singapore - so who am I to complain about these drivers? I can tell you that I am no idiotic woman driver. I like driving and have impressed a lot of men with my driving skills especially parking. I can reverse park a vehicle without turning my head, using just the wing mirrors for guidance (brag, brag a little ;-p )
Dad was in town for a couple days and was driving his foreign registered princess mobile. Dad knows his way around Singapore streets very well, except for when the road works come along to confuse him.
These are my observations sitting as his passenger and navigator - Singaporean drivers just "dun give chance" to other road users. Dad was a little slow when the lights changed, and the drivers behind him started sounding the horn. Then when he gave signal that he was going to switch lanes to the right, they just came along faster without giving us a chance to filter right. The same for when we were doing the filter left thing!!
Then they would also cut into our lane as we filter left on the expressways. Otherwise, they will drive like slow Sunday drivers who have no idea that they are road hogging.
I think that Singaporean drivers have a problem - the kiasu syndrome - that clouds their judgement and they no longer have any patience for anything. It is totally the ME, ME, ME, thing.

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