Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Office Moving

My other office moved yesterday - this is the office where I have squatter's rights for the work I do. It was a madness move because we have to vacate the office in McNair Road by 31 July and nothing (no power, no airconditioning, no lights) in the new office had been done. Work only started last week on Wednesday 23 July with the partitions going up and the contractors working overtime. I must give credit to my client the contractor Ah Ng for working so hard to get the place done up as much as possible.
We started packing over the week all the stuff that was hardly used - then there was another round of packing on Saturday.
Yesterday, the movers came around 11 and started the BIG MOVE. The guys came in like locusts and moved everything out. Then they started stacking the stuff into their huge lorry. The bulk of the stuff was moved to the new office by 4 o'clock.
All we have left in the old place at McNair are the telephone and internet in working order, a large table that I am sharing with HH, electricity with airconditioning (so important!!) and a whole lot of bits and pieces that we have to clear or dump.
The folks from M1 came today to remove the repeater box for making our mobile lines work in the office. Ah Ng also came to give us a quotation for the reinstatement of the beautiful wooden floors upstairs. Tomorrow our cleaning lady will come to clear out the place with a mop and on Thursday, we will hand over to the landlord.
Why are we moving? The rental went up double, so we decided that it wasn't economical to stay. So money talks!
I will miss this place for its' charm. We have an old colonial townhouse with 3 bedrooms and 2 balconies upstairs and lovely wooden flooring. We converted the back bedroom into a guest room and we had our overseas visitors stay overnight on a few occasions. On those occasions, I became the executive housekeeper - I would wash the bedsheets and make up the bed. All our visitors were charmed by the quaint surroundings.
Yes, it was fun for the two years that we were here - I am sure the corner coffee shop will miss us very much!

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