Monday, July 14, 2008

Singapore footwear fashion

Much has been written about Singapore fashion - how bad it is and how sloppy the Singaporeans are. So I will add my 2cents worth of comments about the bad dressing - in particular the footwear fashion or lack of footwear sense. Have you noticed that Singapore women are always shod in slippers or open-toed slippers or shoes or they just don't bother to match their shoes to their clothes?? I have observed plenty of slippers or backless or strapless shoes or sandals on Singapore women's feet. Them not wearing proper footwear causes them to walk in a strange strutting manner, or walk like they are bow legged or wobble/totter around most precariously in their stilettoes. So this is the first part of the grouse.
The next bit is about how they do not bother to match their shoes to their clothes. Many times, we will see that the women dressed in the professional or smart work clothes. Then when the eye moves down to the feet, lo and behold - they have a horrible pair of "shoes" on - more like slippers - to the point they don't look "grounded" or just underdressed.
This is now my confession on shoes or footwear - I cannot wear slippers around in Singapore, especially on the streets. I have this phobia about the wet toilets that I have to visit and the thought of the dirty water all over the markets and hawker centres to make me ill. So my regular footwear everyday would be a pair of covered shoes.
Think of the dust and dirt and germs you get on your feet after tromping around town and you bring into your home - enough to make you feel a little ill?

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