Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The morning routine these days ......

HH has been going off to Manila for the past 2 months - this is his 3rd sojourn there since October 2008. We expect this madness to continue for another 3 months till the mess in the office or operations in Manila is sorted out. So in the meantime, I continue with my walks with the dogs and get the exercise going.

OK, the good thing about the walk is that I actually get some exercise and work up a sweat. My metabolic rate has gone up I am sure. My blood sugar levels have also improved a little I am sure. But all the eating that I do in between is not going to make it any better! ;-p
So our morning walk routine is like this - we all get up at 5:30 am (yes, it is a little crazy!). The doggies and meows get breakfast between 5:30 and 6. Before we leave home, I will pop my bread into the oven on a slow setting to toast. I will also take out my butter and the kaya and leave it on the table. Make my tea and leave it to cool.
Then we go for a morning walk and walk all over the estate. Junior has to go out to pee and poo-poo, so the morning walks are for him to smell around and be happy that he's got some fresh air and managed to chase some rat somewhere. He is really animated in the morning - he must be refreshed after a good night's sleep! Torrent is just happy to go anywhere that his kor-kor goes.
We get back from our walk at around 6:30, and I will sit down to my still warm toast and slather butter and kaya on it. I will also read the morning paper with my breakfast.
Then it is upstairs to get a good scrub and shower and get dressed for the office.
I guess this is a good routine to get into. Morning walk for the metabolic rate revved up. Breakfast of yummy things that put back the calories expended from the exercise, a shower to wake up and then drive to get to the office.
Of course I go to bed early because I am sleepy from waking so early!!

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