Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Early morning walks

I have been doing early morning walks lately - NO, the exercise bug has not come around to hit me!! HH has been away in Manila, Philippines for work for two week intervals. During this time, I need to get up early to take the doggies for their early morning walk.
I will rouse at 5:30 - very early by my standard. I get their breakfast done, feed them, then set my bread in the oven on low to toast, and head out the door by 6 for our early morning jaunt.
I have to confess - I am in my totally unwashed state. Yuck, right? Well I figured that I am going to walk and get all hot and sweaty, so I will just work up an early morning sweat. We leave home when it is quiet, and walk around the side of the blocks and past the school and to the large carpark and field. I guess the walk is about 1 km in length and it takes about 20 to 30 minutes to smell our way around depending on how hardworking we are about exercise.
The two of them will hurry to pee and smell their way along the route. Junior will then run to the bush line and do his "pang sai" thing and then become really happy to finish it. Torrent is just happy to go out for a walk and sniff around .
When we get home after our morning walk, they drink their water and I start my breakfast and newspaper routine.
Good night - need to catch my beauty sleep before we do our morning walk again before the sun rises in the east.

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