Thursday, December 25, 2008

Rude folk

I have had enough of rude people in church - the kind of people who have no respect at all for the activities and think themselves very high and mighty.
This is what happened - we were having Christmas Eve service in church. There was this group of people sitting outside in the atrium making a lot of noise. I went out to ask them to keep the noise down since their activities were distracting.
The kids were running around and making a lot of noise. There were some adults around, one of them was the grandmother of the biggest trouble maker - Mathias, the son of the fishmonger in the church. She did absolutely nothing to control her grandson's bad behaviour.
When Mathias was reprimanded for his rude behaviour, she chided me in Hokkien for telling off her precious grandson for his bad behaviour.
I can only say that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
This sort of grandmother will the the downfall of the next generation - who knows, he may become a delinquent because he doesn't know what is discipline and how to behave in church.
We were always taught that when we visit a place of worship, we should be respectful of the activities going on. No extreme behaviour or rudeness.
In all honesty - I have had enough of such ill mannered people in church. They should just remove themselves if they have no respect for God.

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