Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

We had a wonderfully lazy Christmas Day - there was no church service so we stayed in bed and caught up with our sleep.
It rained the whole of Christmas Eve - it was a cold wet miserable day. The sky was gloomy!
The newspapers were already delivered on Christmas Eve so I brought them up the bed with us. We tumbled into bed after coming home from Christmas Service around 2am.
We stayed in bed till 3 pm (yes! 3 o'clock in the afternoon!!) with FatBoy, Junior and Torrent. We really caught up with our sleep - I would say we slept about 12 hours, but it was really good to catch up on the sleep debt.
Intermittenly, we would rouse and look around and ask each other - have you had enough sleep? Then we grunt an answer so some sort and return to our slumber.
I did wake up to read the newspapers because they were conveniently in bed with us. Then went back to sleep.
The doggies were so happy to sleep that they forgot about their breakfast or going out for pee or pee. I guess FatBoy was a little peeved that he didn't get breakfast, but since he's so fat - the "starvation " was no hardship.
We realised that we could not sleep the whole day away. We got up and had bacon butties for our tea. Yummy sreaky bacon with salad sprouts on wholemeal bread was good and simple.
Then the great activity - we went to the beach at East Coast with the doggies.
We encountered lots of people, but we managed to get to a spot where we set up our beach mat. Junior remembered the beach and went running into the cold water.
Torrent just sat at the top of the beach and barked - we figured that it would be a hassle to give him a bath if he got dirty.
It was a lazy Christmas Day for us - wonderfully laid back and lazy with no need for any other human company.

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