Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wedding Food

Food at weddings are generally mass produced meals - sometimes terribly expensive for what they are. In all the time that HH and I have been attending wedding dinners as a couple, I would say that the best meal was at our wedding. That's because I decided what we should eat and wasn't going to have some banquet manager tell me what was allowed in the package.
Anyway, this posting is not about our wedding lunch but about some of the wedding meals we have had over the years. So this post takes pot shots at incompetent wait staff and bad food.
There was this one dinner at Pan Pacific for P - the meal was OK but the table service was horrendous. The waiter is inept and when he brought the soup to the table, he dipped his THUMB into the soup as he placed it on the table. Oops! After that, I told him to deliver the food to the table and I would serve the table. I think he was impressed by my serving skills.
There was another dinner at Shangri-La recently - the waiter was good but the food wasn't terribly fantastic for a hotel of that stature. OK, give them some benefit of being overworked - there were just too many tables for them to attend to and it was chaotic in the ballroom as there were a couple of other functions going on around the hotel.
Also recently, we were at A's wedding dinner at Paramount Hotel in Katong. The food wasn't that great either by the standards of the groom's family. I thought it was OK - very passable for the place. The groom's uncle (a great makan kaki friend) felt that the food was not up to standard and had caustic remarks about the stuff he ate! But my galloping gourmet friend has a great cook in his mother so nothing comes up to his standards - I will feel sorry for any friend who tries to feed him - his comments can deflate a chef's ego even if they are rated 3*** by Michelin.
However the best wedding dinnner we went to recently was at Noble House at UIC Building in Shenton Way. The entire wedding dinner was vegetarian - HH and I are OK with vegetarian food if it is well done - THIS WAS EXCELLENT!!!
There was not a single piece of gluten in sight - every dish was carefully thought out and well cooked. I don't think there was any MSG either because we survived the wedding dinner without being thirsty. There were mushrooms galore but they were cooked interestingly. Aiyah! wait for the pictures to tempt you!

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