Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hero Husband

I have often been asked by people - how did you and HH meet? So this post is for the occasion of our wedding anniversary and to satisfy the curious people out there.
I met HH over the telephone on my first day at work - he was the first client I spoke to on my first day at work with a local accounting firm after I left a very large international accounting firm. Boss had rung me and said: someone will call you and ask you about the incorporation of companies, so please explain to him all he needs to know. He currently has a company with us, but doesn't know very much. The file is in the compactor if you need to refer to it.
I continued to talk to HH over the phone for over one year over corporate secretarial matters before we finally met. Even when we met, it was for work that I had to do for the company.
Then one day, I decided that I should get a computer and asked my colleague HY what sort of computer to buy. HY told me to look at the classified section at the computer section and see what this local company had to offer. Then HY pointed to a computer with some specifications that he said would be OK for what I wanted to do. Just after that HH walked into the office to return some audit documents. HY said - ask him, he sells computers so he should know what's a good deal. HH ointed to the list in the classifieds - buy this one; it has all the noise and lights and graphics to satisfy the girl in you. I went off to the shop and bought the one that HH told me to buy.
Shortly after that - the problems started from my own stupidity. I downloaded junk, virus and all sorts of stuff that slowed the computer, corrupted the hard disk and created havoc for me. In desperation, I asked HH for help. Told him I could not afford to pay for his services as a computer technician, but I could cook him dinner in exchange. Done deal!
I guess after that HH decided that the cooking was good and fair exchange. After that, there were more problems with his companies and I ended up doing more shit clearing work. My boss was very upset about the amount of time I was spending on the phone and told me - Please tell Mr N that we need to charge him for the extra work you are doing. When I told HH that boss wanted to charge for the additional work - he asked if he could call me at home. I said NO PROBLEM since the work was interesting.
Then Mr N would be calling me at night and asking all sorts of questions about corporate secretarial work, the intricasies of the corporate nitty gritty and mud slinging.
There was once, I was really tired of being in the office because boss was just passing all the shit for me to clear when he didn't come to the office. I had to deal with all the mess that was created by my colleagues' bad English - answer faxes, write a report, figure something for boss and answer dumb tax queries because boss wasn't answering them and when HH called, I told him that I was tired of dealing with the shit. He said that he would deal with boss - he called boss and said that his potential business partners were in town and wanted to meet with the company secretary to discuss about starting a new company and the corporate compliance. These people wanted to meet around 4 pm as it was their tea time. Boss called me and said that Mr N had called him, I should go and keep the potential clients happy by answering their questions. I escaped from the office to spend the afternoon walking around doing window shopping. Hee hee! Wow - I never thought of that creative way of getting out of the office.
After that, HH decided that he could go out with me on a regular basis since it was interesting. When we decided to get married, I quit my job to avoid any potential conflict of interest with my work,. I thought I could take a break before hunting for another job. My clients called and asked "who's going to do my work??" I told them BOSS LAH, and they said, we follow you and you do the work for us.
So that's how it started - I started a corporate secretarial practice before we got married (that's why I never assumed my married name) and we got married - satisfied now?

1 comment:

Barn2 (Barnabas Ju-Ern) the Samsengkia said...

My Mummy said: So you fell in love over computers and food.... Interesting.

Which anniversaryare you celebrating this year? 10th? 15th?