FatBoy is the most loving cat that we have in our home. His sister is Bandit the alpha female at home. In this picture, he is having a good time getting his chin rub whilst on our bed!
FatBoy is really fat according to our vet Dr. Anthony Goh: You will have to put Blue Eyes on a diet - he is overweight!
FatBoy is lovable - an eating machine, an attention seeker and a talking machine. He loves his food but he is really picky too. We fed them Eagle Cat and Kitten kibble for a while and that made his colour change to this lovely chocolate Siamese colour from the pale kopi-susu colour that he was born with. Then one day, we ran out of the super premium cat food that we were feeeding them on. In desperation we bought some cheap supermarket food for him from the corner shop. He lapped it up because it was the equivalent of junk food and it was so tasty. When we managed to get the regular super premium food - they complained loudly! We had no peace till we changed it back to junk food.
Dinner is very important for FatBoy. They will guard the balcony area where their dining table is located. Also expect plenty of noise when dinner is not in the bowls. That's the eating machine part.
FatBoy loves attention - he will come to greet all visitors. He will also respond by coming to you when he is called. Visitors are amazed that the cat comes when called. He loves being carried and squeezed tightly!
FatBoy is also extremely lovable - he will sleep with us on our pillows or on the bed. Another favourite position is on your chest or stomach. Then he sticks his claws into you to express his manja-ness and purrs incessantly with his eyes half closed in sublime pleasure. You will wake with a start because of the weight and the claws and the noise. FatBoy causes breathing difficulties when he is on my chest because of his weight!
With his piercing blue eyes that stare without blinking, FatBoy looks really intimidating but in truth, he is a sweetie pie!
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