Tuesday, May 5, 2009


What's this about some women who feel that they must dress provocatively and act all hapless and helpless to achieve their wants and desires??
There is this lady I know, no names mentioned, who is mutton dressed as lamb. She is already 40+ but she acts in this coltish, skittish, manja type manner. She is also always dressed in these skin tight, skin baring clothes that make her look cheap and sluttish.
To make things worse, she is short and insists on wearing extremely high heels to totter around precariously.
Her manner of speaking is also weird - she also tries to speak in this so-called provocative giggly manner where she tells you something then breaks out in giggles like it is so funny. She also has this way of dragging her words or draggy manner of articulating her speech, depending on how you look at it. There is only one way to describe it - manja manner.
So this would be a caricature of her in your mind - someone short who wears high heels, skin tight and skin baring clothes, and acts all manja around men. I guess you could say BETTY BOOP!
Someone in our office building mentioned to me that he thought she looked like a prostitute - his words, not mine. By her own admission, she said that there are times when she has been stopped going to her hotel room when she was overseas on business because the management thought her to be an undesireable guest.
Anyway, I guess you could say that she is eye candy for the men but I think she could have a better image of herself.
Enough said!

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