We went to the M1 shop at Paragon on Thursday. I went there to return the mobile TV trial phone that was lent to me - so that I can watch TV anywhere and everywhere under the sun (as long as I have battery power).
It was good trial - I watched the Olympics and the US Presidential elections. Also managed to catch some Brit soap drama and the History Channel that was really interesting.
We went to M1 around 6:45 pm and finally left at 9:15 - what a marathon there. First it was to return the phone and get a replacement SIM for that TV SIM chip. Then whilst we were waiting HH and my sister V went around the shop to look around and ask all sorts of questions about phones.
HH was just looking around and being kaypoh - the idea of buying a phone was not on his mind.
My sister was another story - she was also being kaypoh, but we managed to psycho her into getting a decent phone.
For the longest time ever, we have told V that her phone was horrible. Or maybe it was the human that was terrible? V would put her mobile in her handbag and then the bag is in her drawer - ON SILENT OR BUZZ MODE!!
So if you tried to get hold of V, you could never do it.
On her part, her excuse is that the service from M1 was terrible, the phone didn't ring and the SMSes came in batches.
Whatever it was - it was frustrating!!
Anyway, we told V to look for a new phone - she said I ONLY WANT A ROSE GOLD MOTOROLA.
We had no idea which model of Motorola she wanted, but M1 had some Motorola on their weekly offer at $98. We told V to go for it. She hummed, hawed and asked about the retail price of the phone - the shocker $498!!
V has this thing about her - she's so proud of the fact that she's never bought a phone in her life. She has taken all the hand me downs from everybody. She also has this thing about not wanting to sign for a plan and didn't want to be tied to a plan. Anyway, it was a no brainer - sign a plan and get a whopping 80% off.
I think the bulk of the 2 hours spent at M1 were on V trying to resolve her issues - amazingly, we managed to get her to sign for her own mobile broadband plan since she got herself a notebook 2 weeks ago.
The staff at M1 very patiently explained to V the different price plans and which one would give her the best value. That took very long because V had lots of questions and used their calculator. I think this is the product of her never having bought a phone or signed a plan with a telco. Even her present mobile line was arranged by me - I called my good friend in M1 to arrange for her to get a number similar to the one she had in Malaysia and arranged for the mobile plan for her - the cheapest possible till she could decide about what she wanted to do.
Then HH decided that he found a phone that he liked - some smartphone from Asus. A check with the girl who was doing V's sign-up, we were told that we could not upgrade for another 2 months. Then she disappeared behind and came back and said to us - OK, I will arrange for you to do the upgrade early without the $100 additional fee, we also get the $100 trade-in on the free phone from Singtel, and she did more calculations and we ended up paying $298 for the phone.
Now you know why we always say WONDERFUL SERVICE FROM M1???