OK - my original answer to Kelly was NO, we cannot cope with another pet. We already have FatBoy and Bandit and we just got Junior, so I don't think we can cope with another cat. HH had other ideas - he said YES to Kelly. I was totally amazed. Then he gave the rationale for taking Easter in - Junior was absolutely petrified of FatBoy and Bandit. He needed a friend to grow up with him, so since we cannot get another dog, we will have a kitten!! So that's how Easter came to live with us.
Junior really needed a friend - he wouldn't poo or pee on the newspaper if FatBoy or Bandit were sleeping around it. He was also scared of those two cats who could be quite intimidating in their own way. He took to Easter with great happiness. They quickly became good friends - eating and sleeping together. Junior would share his dinner with Easter. They could drink from the same bowl too. Something Junior WOULD NOT do with FatBoy or Bandit.
Junior would also keep Easter in line - she loves going out along the corridor for a walk. Whenever I called her, she would ignore me. So, I would get the great retriever to retrieve his mei-mei Easter. I would tell Junior - go fetch Easter and tell her to come home. Junior would then run down the corridor and grab Easter by the scruff of her neck and drag her home. She would be protesting the whole way home along the corridor. Mum always thought that Junior would injure Easter in this fetch exercise, but he never harmed her. He just brought her home.
Easter is our great wanderer cat with incredible wanderlust. She is always out - treating our home as her hotel. She comes home for meals and to use the toilet. Otherwise, she will be out in the neighbourhood claiming her territory.
In the evenings when we come home, she will be in the carpark to greet us - quite unusual for a cat, if I may say so myself.
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